Amazon Aurora MySQL

Amazon Aurora is part of the Amazon RDS family. It is a MySQL compatible, relational database engine that combines of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases.

It is a fully managed database engine that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. It additionally suggests that the code, applications, drivers, and tools you already use together with your existing databases may use with AWS Aurora with very little or no modification.

Amazon Aurora provides up to five (05) times better performance than MySQL and three (03) times better performance than PostgreSQL, without doing any programmatic changes to your existing application.

Use Cases

  • Companies that use compatible database engines such as SQL and PostreSQL can migrate with or without changes to Amazon Aurora to support 5X greater performance, which translates into savings, support more users in services.
  • Cloud Solutions has a specialized team so that your company can discover, implement and increase the performance of your business apps.

Advantages Amazon Aurora

  • Amazon Aurora provides multiple levels of security for the database to make it better among others. On an encrypted Amazon Aurora instance, data within the underlying storage is encrypted.

    The management is through AWS Key Management Service and encryption of data in transit using SSL. Moreover, there are the automat backups, snapshots, and replicas within the same cluster.

  • AWS Aurora has a feature of fault-tolerant and self-healing storage built for the cloud. It offers a great availability of 99.99%. The storage for the cloud replicates the 6 copies of the data across 3 Availability Zones.
  • AWS Aurora provides 5 times the throughput of normal MySQL. This performance is on par with business databases, at 1/10th the price. You’ll simply scale your database preparation up to and down from smaller to larger instance varieties as your needs modification.

    To scale scan capacity and performance, you’ll add up to fifteen low latency scan replicas across 3 convenience Zones. Amazon Aurora automatically grows storage as required, up to 64TB per database instance.

  • With Amazon Aurora, users can create 15 low latency replicas in each DB instance. This ensures a quick response time for your application. During migration, if the user experiences a failover in a particular replica, the next read replica will take over. The application will automatically update with the changes.

  • When you look at Aurora versus MySQL, it’s evident that MySQL is more apt for physical machines while Aurora performs best in cloud servers. MySQL is not optimized for virtual machine performance. Here is a clear comparison between the two to help you make an informed decision.

Conoce más del impacto de negocio al utilizar Amazon Aurora en el caso de éxito de Mandü y 

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